
SEO данные для разделов

Ministry of Digital Development, Innovations and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan

The Ministry is engaged in the formation and implementation of the state policy in the field of digital development of the country, in the fields of innovation, communications, public services, electronic industry, as well as engaged in the development of e-government, coordination of the activities of the State Corporation "Government for Citizens", information security, aerospace industry, geodesy and cartography.

Address Republic of Kazakhstan 010000, Astana city, Mangilik El avenue 55/14 С 2.4 
Chancellery 8 (7172) 61-33-25, 61-33-23

An administrative office only accepts documents to e-mail: moap@mdai.gov.kz

Human Resources Department 8 (7172) 64-91-60
Consultations on reception of citizens and consideration of their appeals 8 (7172) 61-33-24
Оn issues of including software and electronic industry products into the Register of trusted software and  electronic industry products
8 (7172) 64-94-45, 64-94-47

Detailed information on the registry is available on the website https://www.gov.kz/memleket/entities/mdai/faq/1?directions=4&lang=en

Press Office 8 (7172) 64-94-39, press@mdai.gov.kz
Ethics Commissioner 8 (7172) 64-91-58
Пресс центр
The GovStack Regional Forum has started in AstanaThe GovStack Regional Forum has started in Astana
Ministry of Digital Development announces strategic partnership for e-government development in CIS countriesMinistry of Digital Development announces strategic partnership for e-government development in CIS countries
ITU Regional Development Forum for CIS Region has begun in AstanaITU Regional Development Forum for CIS Region has begun in Astana
YouTube Premium launched in KazakhstanYouTube Premium launched in Kazakhstan
Bagdat Musin summed up the results of two days at Digital Almaty-2024Bagdat Musin summed up the results of two days at Digital Almaty-2024
Coordination of critically important facilities
Regulation of «.KZ» domain space
State control in the field of information security
Trials and technical regulations in the field of information security
Postal communication
Checking mobile communication quality
Mobile communication
Issuance of permits to use radio-frequency spectrum of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Полезные ссылки
Order satellite imagery
Registration in citizens` mobile database
Obtaining services by Telegram-bot
«eGov Mobile» mobile application
«Smart Bridge» service showcase
Admission to the Minister for IT companies
Об утверждении Правил формирования и ведения реестра доверенного программного обеспечения и продукции электронной промышленности, а также критериев по включению программного обеспечения и продукции электронной промышленности в реестр доверенного программного обеспечения и продукции электронной промышленности
О внесении изменений в постановление Правительства Республики Казахстан от 2 мая 2017 года № 238 «Об утверждении Правил проведения конкурса по определению операторов универсального обслуживания, включая расчет размера субсидий и порядок возложения уполномоченным органом обязанности по оказанию универсальных услуг на операторов связи, требований к операторам связи по оказанию универсальных услуг связи, перечня универсальных услуг связи и признании утратившими силу некоторых решений Правительства Республики Казахстан»
Қатысушылардың әңгімелесуге жіберу туралы 2021 жылғы 21 қаңтардағы шешім
Календарь событий
International Technology Forum "Digital Bridge"
Days of digitalization in cities of Kazakhstan
Single Day of Reception of Citizens
Issuance to subjects of geodetic and cartographic activity of information on geodetic and cartographic study of the terrain in the areas of planned work
Accreditation of certification authorities
Astana Hub - International Hub for IT Startups
Astana Hub - International Hub for IT Startups
«Government for citizens» State corporation
«Government for citizens» State corporation
«National Information Technologies» JSC
«National Information Technologies» JSC
Открытые НПА
Открытые НПА
Open data
Open data
Kazakhstan Trade Portal
Kazakhstan Trade Portal
Electronic government of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Electronic government of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Press Room
About the Ministry
Реализуемые проекты
IMEI registrationIMEI registration
Project "International Technopark of IT-startups Astana Hub"Project "International Technopark of IT-startups Astana Hub"
Project "Smart Data Ukimet"
Electronic government of the Republic of KazakhstanElectronic government of the Republic of Kazakhstan
"Digital Kazakhstan" State Program
Spacecraft assembly and testing complexSpacecraft assembly and testing complex
National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI)National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI)
Broadband access to villages in KazakhstanBroadband access to villages in Kazakhstan
Earth Remote Sensing Space SystemEarth Remote Sensing Space System
A Platform  for generating and implementing innovative projectsA Platform for generating and implementing innovative projects
Социальные медиа
Меню подвал
Қазақстан Республикасының ұлттық стандарты
Life situations
Terms and explanations
Sustainable Development Goals
News channel of state bodies
Digital transformation concept
Central communications service under the President of the RK
State of the Nation Address of the President of Kazakhstan
National Symbols
Website of the Prime Minister of Kazakhstan