
Department of the committee of Labor and social protection of Kyzylorda region

 The Department of the committee of Labor and social protection of Kyzylorda region is a territorial subdivision of the Committee of Labor, Social Protection and Migration of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Kazakhstan, carrying out implementation and control functions in the field of social protection of the population within their competence.

The main tasks of the Department:

1) implementation of state policy in the field of pension and social security, social protection of disabled people, medical and social expertise within its competence;

2) implementation of state control over compliance with legislation on the social protection of disabled people, on special social services within its competence.

Address: 120015; Kyzylorda, st. Bekzatkhan Askara, 47

Reception: 8 (7242) 27-28-15
Helpline: 8 (7242) 27-01-26
e-mail: dep.kyzylorda@enbek.gov.kz
Пресс центр
A seminar-meeting was held for employees of the branch of the State Corporation in the mode of video conferencing via the Zoom application.A seminar-meeting was held for employees of the branch of the State Corporation in the mode of video conferencing via the Zoom application.
Conducted legal training on the procedure for considering applications from personsConducted legal training on the procedure for considering applications from persons
An online training session was held using a whatsapp messenger for specialists of the Syrdarin Department of the Government for Citizens State CorporationAn online training session was held using a whatsapp messenger for specialists of the Syrdarin Department of the Government for Citizens State Corporation
Полезные ссылки
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Regulation of the Department of Medical and Social Expertise No. 2
Календарь событий
Electronic government of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Electronic government of the Republic of Kazakhstan
About the Department
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Реализуемые проекты
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News channel of state bodies
Қазақстан Республикасының ұлттық стандарты
Central communications service under the President of the RK
Terms and explanations
Website of the Parliament of Kazakhstan
Website of the Prime Minister of Kazakhstan
Sustainable Development Goals