
Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the Republic of Lithuania

Dear visitors,

Welcome to the homepage of the Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the Republic of Lithuania.

Kazakhstan is the country of epic history and unique culture, diverse nature and breathtaking landscapes. Exciting mixture of rich heritage and vibrant modern progress offers everyone visiting the Land of the Great Steppe a lifetime experience.

Besides its natural wealth and generous people, Kazakhstan is known as a reliable political and trade partner. Timely political and economic reforms secured its position as a leader in Center Asia and its economic locomotive.

Kazakhstan and Lithuania enjoy a long history of traditional friendship. After establishing diplomatic relations in 1992, the Kazakhstan-Lithuania relations kept steady and healthy development. Our cooperation in economy, culture and since as well as within international organizations enlarged and deepened.

The Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the Republic of Lithuania is committed to promoting the friendly relations between two states. We hope our website will keep you updated of ongoing Kazakh-Lithuanian cooperation in each sphere and encourage you to contribute to further enhancement of mutual understanding and friendship between our peoples.


Mr. Timur Urazaev

Ambassador of Kazakhstan

Address Birutes str 20А, Vilnius, LT-08117
Office (+370) 5 212 21 23, 231 30 40
E-mail vilnius@mfa.kz
Consular issues +370-5-231-3070
E-mail consulate.vilnius@mfa.kz
Office hours Service is held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:00 till 12:00  by strict appointment only (+370-5-231-3070)
In case of emergency, citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan should call:
+ 370-5-231-3070, + 370-620-30-911,
e-mail: vilnius@mfa.kz, consulate.vilnius@mfa.kz
Пресс центр
Kazakhstan and Lithuania discuss bilateral cooperationKazakhstan and Lithuania discuss bilateral cooperation
MCTAU hosts a lecture on the history of KazakhstanMCTAU hosts a lecture on the history of Kazakhstan
Issuance of IIN to foreign citizens is temporarily suspendedIssuance of IIN to foreign citizens is temporarily suspended
Historical novel by Kazakh writer Ermek Tursunov "Mamluk"  in Lithuanian language presented in VilniusHistorical novel by Kazakh writer Ermek Tursunov "Mamluk" in Lithuanian language presented in Vilnius
Kazakhstan Welcomes Foreign Specialists and “Neo-Nomads”Kazakhstan Welcomes Foreign Specialists and “Neo-Nomads”
A memo for citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan traveling abroad
Payment for consular services
1150th anniversary of Al-Farabi
Cultural and humanitarian cooperation
Abai Qunanbaiuly - 175
Services of the Consular Section for citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Bilateral relations
Contractual legal framework
Consular services for Foreign Citizens
Полезные ссылки
Об утверждении Правил оказания государственных услуг в сфере государственной регистрации актов гражданского состояния за рубежом
Об утверждении ставок консульского сбора за совершение консульских действий на территории иностранного государства
О внесении изменений в приказ исполняющего обязанности Министра иностранных дел Республики Казахстан от 14 июня 2016 года № 11-1-2/263 "Об утверждении Правил учета граждан Республики Казахстан, постоянно и временно проживающих за пределами Республики Казахстан"
Календарь событий
Assembly of people of Kazakhstan
Assembly of people of Kazakhstan
Strategy "Kazakhstan - 2050"
Strategy "Kazakhstan - 2050"
N. Nazarbayev Center for Development of Interfaith and Intercivilization Dialogue
N. Nazarbayev Center for Development of Interfaith and Intercivilization Dialogue
Kazakhstan Trade Portal
Kazakhstan Trade Portal
About the Embassy
Bilateral cooperation
Consular issues
Реализуемые проекты
Kazakhstan's Chairmanship in the CICAKazakhstan's Chairmanship in the CICA
Социальные медиа
Меню подвал
Life situations
Screen Reader
State of the Nation Address of the President of Kazakhstan
News channel of state bodies
Қазақстан Республикасының ұлттық стандарты
Central communications service under the President of the RK
Terms and explanations
Website of the Parliament of Kazakhstan
Website of the Prime Minister of Kazakhstan
Sustainable Development Goals