Zhangaly district is located in the southern part of the West Kazakhstan region. The territory of the district is 120 km from west to east, 208 km from north to south. The district borders with three districts of the region and one district of Atyrau region: Akzhaiksky district, Kaztalovsky district, Bokeyordinsky district and Indersky district, which are connected by automobile transparts.
The total length of the district 's borders is 632 km .
The territory of the district is 20.8 thousand square kilometers or 13.75% of the territory of the region. The population of the district as of January 1, 2021 according to the current report is 24.1 thousand people or 4.1% of the population of the region. The population density per 1 sq. m of the area on average in the region is 1.16 people.
The administrative-territorial division of the district consists of 9 rural districts, 22 villages. The district center is the village of Zhangalinka. The distance between the district center and the city of Uralsk is 252 km .
The main natural water resources of the district are the Kushum, Bolshoy and Maly Uzen rivers.
The address | 090400, ZKO, Zhangalinsky district, Zhangala village, st. Halyktar Dosygy, 44 |
akimjangala@bko.gov.kz | |
Executive Office | +7(71141)21-8-49 |
Ethics Commissioner | +7(71141)21-8-45 |
Phone number for inquiries on the reception of citizens and consideration of appeals | + 7(71141)21-8-37 |
Telephone for inquiries on public services | +7(71141)21-4-39 |
Phone number for anti-corruption inquiries | +7(71141)21-8-45 |
Phone number for information about the personnel management service | +7(71141)21-8-41 |
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