
Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan

The Agency for strategic planning and reforms is a central link in the entire system of state planning. Agency manages in strategic planning, statistical activities of State and for providing reforms.

The Agency’s goal is to develop effective reforms for increasing country's competitiveness and the welfare of the people.

The Agency develops state policy in strategic planning, monitors and evaluates the implementation of strategic development plans, and it is the central body responsible for developing a new system of public administration.

Having National bureau of statistics as the part of its structure, the Agency also designing and implementing the state policy in the statistical sphere.

The Agency for strategic planning and reforms is under the President of Republic of Kazakhstan and reports directly to the President.


Address  55/6 Mangilik El Avenue, Yessil district, Astana city, The Republic of Kazakhstan
Chancellery +7 7172 64-97-89, 64-97-93
E-mail info@aspire.gov.kz
Press Office phone +7 7172 64-97-81
Press Office E-mail press@aspire.gov.kz


Пресс центр
The Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms exchanged experience on strategic planning with representatives of Saudi ArabiaThe Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms exchanged experience on strategic planning with representatives of Saudi Arabia
The results of the Agency's activities were discussed by the Public CouncilThe results of the Agency's activities were discussed by the Public Council
The head of the Agency introduced the new leader of the Bureau of National StatisticsThe head of the Agency introduced the new leader of the Bureau of National Statistics
Representatives of the International Monetary Fund  mission visited the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms in KazakhstanRepresentatives of the International Monetary Fund mission visited the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms in Kazakhstan
The head of state met with the Chairman of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms Zhandos ShaimardanovThe head of state met with the Chairman of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms Zhandos Shaimardanov
Participation in the improvement of the public administration system and the quasi-public sector
Implementation of state policy in the field of state statistical activity
Implementation of state policy in the field of strategic planning
Assistance in the formation of reforms
Полезные ссылки
Open regulatory legal acts
Open data
Об утверждении Правил осуществления государственных закупок
Положение о Департаменте административно-правового обеспечения, защиты государственных секретов и информационной безопасности
Конкурс по отбору членов Рабочей группы по формированию Общественного совета Агентства
1. Deputy Head of the Department of Akmola region of the Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan (C-O-2 category, 1 unit)
1. Deputy Head of the Department of Almaty region of the Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan (C-O-2 category, 1 unit)
1. Deputy Head of the Department of Turkestan region of the Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan (C-O-2 category, 1 unit)
1. Deputy Head of the Department of Turkestan region of the Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan (C-O-2 category, 1 unit)
Календарь событий
On October 21, 2020 will be hold the first meeting under Supreme council for reforms under the President of Kazakhstan
On December 9, 2020 will be hold a meeting under Supreme council for reforms under the President of Kazakhstan
On January 29, 2021 will be hold a meeting under Supreme council for reforms under the President of Kazakhstan
Agency for Strategic planning  and reforms of the  Republic of Kazakhstan  Bureau of National statistics
Agency for Strategic planning and reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan Bureau of National statistics
Electronic government of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Electronic government of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Press Center
About the Agency
Реализуемые проекты
Социальные медиа
Меню подвал
Life situations
News channel of state bodies
Central communications service under the President of the RK
State of the Nation Address of the President of Kazakhstan
National Symbols
Website of the Prime Minister of Kazakhstan
Website of the President of Kazakhstan
Website of the Parliament of Kazakhstan
Digital transformation concept
Sustainable Development Goals