Physical exercise for employees of organizations


The 2020-2025 state health development program provides for activities aimed at people's choice in favor of health, dedicated to health care of citizens and formation of healthy habits.

One of the guarantees of human health is physical exercise, which forms one of the components of a healthy lifestyle.

In accordance with the Code «Оn people’s heath and healthcare», standard rules for conducting physical exercises have been approved.

This is a set of elementary physical exercises that are performed by employees of the organization in the workplace and are included in the working day in order to improve performance, improve health and prevent fatigue.

During a pandemic, when non-infectious diseases have worsened, to exercise is especially useful and necessary.

Physical exercise procedure

Physical exercise or industrial gymnastics is carried out in organizations during working hours, on working days.

The procedure for carrying out physical exercise at workplaces is advisory in nature.

The employer develops complexes of physical exercises, depending on:

  • type of work performed;
  • working conditions;
  • age;
  • worker

The rooms where physical exercises are carried out are constantly kept clean. Before starting physical exercise, they are pre-ventilated. 

For each trainee, on average, there is at least 1.5 square meters of free space, with a safe place. Physical exercises are carried out in the first half of the working day with a duration of no more than 10-15 minutes.   

The exercise routine should be changed every 3-4 weeks. 

The set of physical exercises consists of a warm-up, which lasts 2-3 minutes, and basic gymnastics.  

The warm-up consists of: 

  • stretching;
  • and (or) smooth slopes;
  • and/ or turns of the head and torso;
  • and/ or walking on tiptoes;
  • and / or rotational arm and leg exercises.

Basic gymnastics includes bends (both in a standing position and in a sitting position) and (or) squats and (or) various rotations of body parts - head, arms (shoulders, elbows, hands), legs (hips, knees, feet ). 

The physical exercise load is increased gradually, regulating it by increasing or decreasing the number of repetitions of each exercise, changing their speed and pace of performing individual exercises, and introducing rest intervals.

The employer does not bear administrative responsibility.

There are no checks on whether physical exercises are carried out in the organization.