
Consulate General of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Shanghai (PRC)

Welcome to the official website

of the Consulate General of the Republic of Kazakhstan

in Shanghai (People’s Republic of China)!


Diplomatic relations between the Republic of Kazakhstan and the People’s Republic of China were established on 3 January 1992.

The Consulate General of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Shanghai (People’s Republic of China) opened on 31 May 2005 (Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 13 January 2005 No. 1510 “On the opening of the Consulate General of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Shanghai (People’s Republic of China)”).    


The consular district of the Consulate General includes following regions of the People’s Republic of China:


Shanghai city

Anhui province


Jiangsu province

Fujian province   


Zhejiang province

Jiangxi province


Address: 1005-1006, A Building, “Orient International Plaza”,85 Loushanguan Road, Changning District,200336, Shanghai, China 
Telephones: (+86-21) 62 75 28 38 (+86-21) 62 75 54 83
24-hour emergency number for citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan:  (+86) 186 21 27 71 07
WeChat(only for citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan):  qazaqstan_shanghai
Fax:  (+86-21) 62 75 73 00
E-mail: shanghai@mfa.kz
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Консульские и визовые вопросы (НЕ ВЫБИРАТЬ, НЕ УДАЛЯТЬ)
Consular services for Foreign Citizens
Bilateral relations
A memo for citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan traveling abroad
Payment for consular services
Services of the Consular Section for citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Полезные ссылки
Перемена Ф.И.О.
Утеря паспорта - оформление Свидетельства на возвращение в Казахстан
Установления отцовства (материнства)
Календарь событий
Assembly of people of Kazakhstan
Assembly of people of Kazakhstan
JSC NC "Kazakh Invest"
JSC NC "Kazakh Invest"
Strategy "Kazakhstan - 2050"
Strategy "Kazakhstan - 2050"
Kazakhstan Trade Portal
Kazakhstan Trade Portal
Consular issues
Bilateral cooperation
About the General Consulate
Реализуемые проекты
Социальные медиа
Меню подвал
Life situations
Screen Reader
State of the Nation Address of the President of Kazakhstan
News channel of state bodies
Қазақстан Республикасының ұлттық стандарты
Central communications service under the President of the RK
Terms and explanations
Website of the Parliament of Kazakhstan
Website of the Prime Minister of Kazakhstan
Sustainable Development Goals