
The Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Regulation and Development of Financial Market

Decree was issued by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 11 November 2019 №203 “On further improvement of state administration system of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, a new state body of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Agency for Regulation and Development of the Financial Market of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter referred to as the Agency), has been operating since January 1, 2020.

The Agency is a state body, which provides a sufficient level of protection of the rights and legitimate interests of consumers of financial services. It also contributes to the stability of the financial system and the development of the financial market, carries out state regulation, control and supervision of the financial market and financial organizations, as well as other people within their competence.

The Agency for Regulation and Development of the Financial Market of the Republic of Kazakhstan is defined as the assignee of the rights and obligations of the NBK in accordance with the transferred functions and powers.

Adress 21,  «Koktem-3», Almaty
Contact phone +7 727 237 1000, 1459
Fax +7 727 2440 282


To file appeals

info@finreg.kz (Not to file appeals)


Media enquiries press@finreg.kz 
Contact phone +7 727 237 1089
Hotline +7 727 237 1000
Пресс центр
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Financial market development
Sustainable financing
Prudential regulation
About services of the government
Other financial organizations
Securities market and the pension assets management
Insurance sector
Banking sector
Information security
Полезные ссылки
Open data
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Open dialog
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Press Room
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