Individual identification number (IIN)

Individual identification number (IIN) is a unique combination of 12 digits generated automatically based on the principles of uniqueness and immutability. To preserve the integrity of the data in databases of various levels containing IIN, it is not subject to any modification or re-generation from the moment of initial generation.

An individual identification number for citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan is generated upon the first-time issuance of birth certificate, passport of a citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan, national ID of a citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

IIN is located on the front of the identity card of a citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan, below the date of birth in the form of a combination of 12 figures, in the passport of a citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan IIN is listed on page 2.

In accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 13 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 12, 2007 No. 223 "On National Registers of Identification Numbers", from January 1, 2013, identification documents, with the exception of birth certificates, are invalid if there is no formed identification number in them.

For re-registration to the passport and ID card without the IIN, the citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan must be provided to the NJSC State Corporation "Government for Citizens"(PSC) at the place of permanent registration or actual stay:

  • passport or identity card to be replaced;
  • a document on payment of the state fee (the persons released from payment of the state fee, present confirming documents).

The generation of an individual identification number for foreigners and stateless persons is carried out upon first-time issuance of the following documents: registration certificate, residence permit in the Republic of Kazakhstan, certificate of a stateless person, certificate for ethnic Kazakhs when assigning the status of kandas.

Foreigners and stateless persons permanently residing in Kazakhstan, who do not have an IIN indicated on the front side of a foreigner's residence permit below the date of birth or on the 2nd page of the certificate of a stateless person should contact the internal affairs bodies at the place of stay to re-issue documents.